Conference Surveillance 9, May 22-24, 2017
SAFRAN Contest

Presentation of the contest
The studied system is a turbine with N blades. 3 optical sensors are distributed on the casing. Each sensor triggers when a blade is passing in front of it, the time instants of each blade passing event are stored into 3 vectors (one by sensor), that constitute the data provided for the contest.
From this data, it is asked to contestants to first recover the following results:
- · the number of blades
- · the precise angles between each pair of consecutive blades (noting blade # 1, 2, 3 … the first, second, third… blade passing in front of sensor 1)
- · which blade is passing first on sensors 2 & 3
- · the direction of rotation (a blade is passing successively over sensor 1,2,3 or 1,3,2)
- · the angular position of sensors 2 & 3, assuming sensor 1 is at 0 degree, with a rotation direction defined by the rotation of the turbine
Then, contestants are asked to conduct a frequency analysis of the dynamic behavior of the blades.
The contributions will be returned as presentations, maximum 5 slides, that will have to be presented by contestants during a special session dedicated to the contest. A jury will rank the contributions based on the correctness of the recovered information, and the relevance of the frequency analysis.
The contest is sponsored by SAFRAN, who also provides the data. The 3 best contributions are rewarded by prices of 2000, 1500 and 1000 €.
Registration and participation
- · The deadline for registration is on Tuesday, May 23, 8:00am, just by sending a short email to with the composition of the team.
· Presentations (maximum 5 slides) have to be transmitted to the organizing committee before the beginning of the contest session, on May 23 at noon, and should exhibit explicitly the results that are demanded in the section Presentation of the contest.
Contest regulation
- Contestants may be individual persons or teams of persons.
- Competition is open to participants who registered for the conference.
- Participation to the contest is conditioned to registration and attendance to the conference.
- Contestant will present their contributions during a special session on May 23 in the afternoon
- Winners will be chosen by a Jury composed of members of the Organizing and Scientific Committees.
- First prize is 2000€, second prize is 1500€, and third prize is 1000€.
- Contestants are supposed to follow a code of ethics. This implies no acquaintance with the data used in the contest. Employees or subcontractors of SAFRAN and academics closely affiliated to members of the Jury may not be eligible to participate.
- Participation to the contest may possibly be invalidated if it happens that the contest regulations have not been met.
- By participating, all contestants acknowledge and agree that they have entered the contest of their own free will, that the full rules and details of the contest have been made available to them in writing and they therefore understand and agree that the organizers have any liability with respect to any damages out of acceptance and use of a prize.